Digital Transformation

27 Dec 2021, Digital Transformation 

A transformation signifies a profound and enduring change. It commences with a readiness to embrace change and becomes an integral part of life. Over the past few years, digital transformation has been a prominent phenomenon in India. The cornerstone of this transformation is the widespread accessibility of affordable data and advanced technology, such as 4G. This revolution has transformed individuals of all generations. For instance, my seventy-two-year-old mother has become more tech-savvy than my teenage son, as she actively engages with her social network and rekindles her writing prowess. This exemplifies the positive impact of transformation. Moreover, technology has shown us that physical presence in an office is no longer a requisite for work, and traditional in-person schooling is no longer the sole method of education for children.

It’s not essential to have a formal qualification to understand, use, and adapt technology as part of our everyday lives.Instead, it is the role of those driving technological advancements to make it powerful yet simple and easy to adopt. Innovation is meaningful when it has a transformative impact. The process of transformation becomes a facilitator when technology accessibility no longer carries the label of “Exclusive” – Technology for All. It’s time to introduce a new term, “Technology-Democratization.” In the era of technology democratisation, exclusivity will always fall short.

The global crisis has enabled rapid digital transformation in select regions, which may be the only positive aspect of the pandemic. We are now more conscious of our lifestyles and dietary choices due to the pandemic. This increased awareness also provides significant opportunities for tech startups to develop new innovations and for existing tech companies to update their offerings.

India has been experiencing a digital transformation revolution in recent years, particularly at the grassroots level. Even daily wage earners and small traders now have direct access to digital wallets and are benefiting from technological advancements. This digital transformation is making ordinary people more agile and economically empowered.

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