Post Tagged with: "Traceability"

The Kenko Eggs A Case Study

Kenko Eggs by OVO Farm, leveraging TRST01’s technology TRSt01Chain, has transformed egg production with unparalleled traceability and efficiency for over a million eggs daily. Their innovative use of QR codes allows every egg’s journey from farm to table to be verifiable, enhancing food safety and sustainability and building consumer trust. This approach sets new industry standards for transparency and operational efficiency, deepening consumer connections and redefining sustainability practices..

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We Innovate

Innovation is no more just a Buzzword, and often It takes time to translate Innovation into an organisation’s growth. What started as an Idea in the year 2019, creating a tech platform to address the critical challenges of traceability, pivoted to the creation of three interdependent tech stacks in dMRV, web2 and web3 and addressing the more significant global challenges.

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TRST01 ESG Advisory

Building climate resilience without climate adaptation and climate action is not possible. Accelerating climate adaptation equals making climate risks factoring and making those risks visible and responding to business decisions and government, supporting locally led transformation and mobilising finance for climate-resilient solutions.

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Metaverse Possibilities Beyond

With the emergence of the Metaverse, there will be a Paradigm shift in Human Consciousness. The immersive nature enables Love and Human consciousness to transcend space in the Metaverse. The Metaverse is still being defined, both literally and figuratively.

The Immersive Metaverse world will get you digital Nirvana, opening up the endless possibilities for humanity.

This article is a part of knowledge-sharing series on Metaverse, compiled from various sources.

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Future web 3.0 Token and DAO

The World is divided between centralized and decentralized, between Old School economics and the New School economics. The old school of thought is losing control, and the organization with supremacy is getting shaken by the emergence of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAO).

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