Footprint by TRST01

ESG Reporting Tool and Scorecard

18th Jan 2023

Prabir Mishra, TRST01

In today’s fast-paced, digitally-connected business world, a company’s environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices have gained significant importance. Stakeholders, encompassing consumers, investors, employees, and regulators, now demand greater awareness and responsiveness to climate change and insist on transparency in a company’s ESG initiatives. This changing landscape necessitates companies to balance economic growth with sustainable practices and social responsibility.

Footprint by TRST01 emerges as a champion in addressing these contemporary demands. It is a revolutionary platform that leverages state-of-the-art artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain technologies to transform ESG tracking, measurement, and reporting processes. With its commitment to offering credible, comprehensive, and timely ESG disclosures, Footprint by TRST01 stands as a beacon in this technologically advanced, globally connected era, serving as the ultimate resource for businesses aiming to manage and communicate their ESG initiatives effectively.

Footprint by TRST01 strictly adheres to globally recognized ESG reporting guidelines. This steadfast compliance with globally recognized frameworks such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), and Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) ensures complete transparency and accountability. With such rigorous standards, businesses can confidently create credible and comparable ESG disclosures, fostering greater stakeholder trust and confidence.

The versatility of Footprint by TRST01 extends beyond serving as a mere tool for businesses to align their operations with global ESG standards. It also allows companies to integrate their operations with the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs). This function allows them to track and contribute to globally recognized targets, enhancing their reputation among stakeholders and demonstrating their commitment to achieving a sustainable future.

Moreover, Footprint by TRST01 provides industry-specific content, understanding that ESG needs and concerns vary across sectors. It enables companies to focus on the most relevant ESG issues pertinent to their operations, ensuring they provide insightful and impactful disclosures to their stakeholders. This sector-specific approach aids in strengthening stakeholder relations and trust, driving meaningful engagement and fostering stronger partnerships.
Utilizing Footprint by TRST01, businesses can prioritize their materiality topics based on importance and potential impact. This feature ensures that companies tackle their most critical ESG issues, presenting stakeholders with a clear view of the company’s significant impact areas and the measures taken to address them.

Footprint by TRST01’s capabilities also addresses ESG issues beyond direct operations. It offers a comprehensive supply chain management reporting system that enables businesses to identify and address ESG issues throughout the product lifecycle. From sourcing raw materials through manufacturing processes to delivering the final product, Footprint ensures transparency and accountability at every step.

Among its innovative features, Footprint by TRST01’s use of blockchain technology stands out. This decentralized and immutable system guarantees the reliability and transparency of ESG data. When combined with AI, it significantly enhances the accuracy of ESG reporting, minimizing human errors and bias. This potent combination increases the efficiency of reporting and fortifies stakeholder trust in a company’s ESG disclosures.

Footprint by TRST01 also serves as an efficient solution for Business Responsibility and Sustainability Reporting (BRSR) in India. The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has introduced new ESG reporting requirements, mandating the top 1,000 listed companies to disclose their ESG performance. Footprint by TRST01 streamlines this process, providing an automated and standardized system for BRSR reporting, making it an excellent tool for businesses to efficiently collect, analyze, and report ESG data.

The Footprint ESG Scorecard is another significant feature of this platform. It serves as a powerful tool for analyzing a company’s performance in environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors. Utilizing advanced analytics, machine learning algorithms, and real-time data, the Scorecard provides a detailed and current reflection of a company’s ESG performance, evaluating the ethical implications of technology use and a company’s readiness for digital transformation. This detailed analysis aids companies in making informed decisions, managing ESG risks, and fostering responsible technology management practices.
While the ESG Scorecard Models offer many benefits, they also need more standardization in ESG metrics. Differences in evaluation can lead to subjectivity, causing biases and discrepancies. Furthermore, high scores on these models don’t always indicate a positive impact, as self-reported ESG data can sometimes be inconsistent or inaccurate.

Despite these challenges, understanding industry priorities is crucial for evaluating ESG factors. The ESG Scorecard Model captures these differences and offers a more detailed and industry-specific analysis than broad ESG Ratings.

Risk evaluation is a pivotal component of ESG scorecard modelling, with considerations for the industry- and country-specific risks. These risk considerations are integrated into the ESG Scorecard model through the ‘beta (β)’ concept, which measures risk arising from exposure to general market movements. In the context of ESG analysis, ‘beta’ is adjusted to encapsulate industry and country-specific risks.

With its adherence to global standards, industry-specific solutions, and blockchain-enabled data integrity verification, Footprint by TRST01 signifies the future of ESG and BRSR reporting. By combining cutting-edge technologies like AI and blockchain, Footprint by TRST01 sets a new standard in sustainability reporting, heralding a new era of transparency and trust.

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