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New Normal, Digital Transformation, Industry 4.0

Trust | Transparency | Traceability

TRST01 Platform

21 July 2021   |   Blockchain, Emerging Tech, Supply Chain, Traceability

As we settle into the New Normal, secure networks used by enterprises have gone from hundreds to thousands across locations to help employees and customers access data. Cloud has grown in popularity as the ideal execution venue for new and emerging technologies and has indeed become integral to the digital transformation journey of many more new businesses. Cloud can establish value for many companies by providing improved agility, scalability, and cost efficiencies across industries.

Cloud has become an Essential Piece of Enterprise Tech, becoming one of the Emerging Networks’ Focused Areas.

Market Scenarios: Spending on public cloud services in India was close to $3.6 billion last year. Post pandemic, there is enormous traction among companies regarding their investments in Cloud. Furthermore, the Indian public cloud services market to reach $9.5 billion by 2025.

Top Players: Google GCP, Microsoft Azure and Amazon AWS are the leading players and competitors in India.

TRST01 Platform: Cloud Technology has undoubtedly become one of the most helpful technology for TRST01 in the present scenarios for the successful implementation of its used cases. The digital storage solution can utilize multiple servers across different locations to safely store the data for our blockchain-enabled platform. TRST01 is a multichain platform, providing various choices for blockchain protocols.

BaaS by TRST01: Blockchain as a Service is one of the promising blockchain trends for Industry 4.0. Our proposed module signifies the interoperability between various existing systems.

TRST01 blockchain platform that offers secure, trust and transparent transactions by generating unique Blockchain integrated dynamic QR codes. Any Industry use case gets connected with the TRST01 platform through a secured API engine. Change of State (CoS) gets recorded in Blockchain, such as verification details, GPS parameters, sample comparison data, Lab analysis records, approvals, packing date, expiry date, logistics details, nutrition values, metadata of documents, photos etc.

TRST01 platform Enterprise Data: The Enterprise data includes metadata and systems of record for enterprise applications. Enterprise data may flow directly to data integration or the data repositories providing a mechanism in the analytical system for blockchain systems. Enterprise data that relates to Blockchain includes:

Conclusion: Changing times demand a change in how we perceive security, more so when more and more companies are moving their operations to the Cloud. Digital Transformation with Security Transformation is essential for any present-day enterprise. Blockchain technology hasn’t quite hit revolutionary appeal yet, but it seems poised to impact several sectors/areas over the next few years. In times ahead, both blockchain and cloud computing would play a vital role in changing enterprises’ work environments and the way traditional computing works. Giving and supporting interoperability and cooperation would be the key between existing and deployed cloud systems for both public and private companies.

Written by Prateek Bebortha Business Analyst TRST01

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