
TRST01Chain for Scope 3 Reporting

“FootPrint by TRST01” leverages the TRST01Chain to revolutionize Scope 3 reporting, offering unprecedented transparency in tracking supply chain carbon emissions. This integration aids businesses in effectively addressing their environmental impact, underscoring the importance of innovative technology in promoting sustainable practices and enhancing ESG accountability in the modern corporate landscape.

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Intelligence of AI with Footprint by TRST01

TRST01 has stepped into the AI domain with the introduction of its groundbreaking tool, #footprint . This innovative tool leverages both artificial intelligence and blockchain technology to revolutionise Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) reporting and scoring. By automating the process of ESG reporting across a variety of frameworks, Footprint effectively manages diverse data types and formats. Its sophisticated analytical capabilities culminate in comprehensive and accurate ESG reports, greatly reducing manual effort and increasing efficiency.

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Generation Z’s Impact on Climate Action

Generation Z is leading the fight against the climate crisis, making sustainable choices at home, participating in global movements like ‘Fridays for Future,’ and demanding accountability from governments and corporations. Together, we can create a sustainable future.

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Assessing Sustainability: ESG Scorecard Model

The Footprint Scorecard incorporates a ‘fourth dimension’ – Technological Impact, considering a company’s tech use, ethics, and digital preparedness. This pioneering model utilizes advanced analytics, machine learning, and big data, integrating proprietary and real-time sources for comprehensive ESG assessment. It fine-tunes Beta for specific industry and country risks.

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Introducing TRST01Chain

TRST01Chain stands as a pioneering supply chain platform that fundamentally transforms how traceability is achieved, emphasizing sustainability at its core. Compliant with notable standards like EUDR and ISCC, this platform not only safeguards ethical practices but also ensures regulatory alignment. Harnessing the power of web 3 technologies, TRST01Chain goes beyond conventional models, enabling businesses in the commodity sector to make informed decisions based on real-time and accurate data

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QR Codes and Blockchain Technology

QR codes and blockchain technology are revolutionizing industries worldwide. TRST01, an advocate for democratizing technology, believes in harnessing these innovations to bridge socio-economic gaps, particularly in India. With transparency, security, and inclusivity at its core, blockchain can drive digital transformation, fostering an equitable and accessible technological future for all.

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