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Future Mobility and Emerging Technology

23 September 2020

Intelligent Mobility is about moving people and goods around in an easier, efficient and more environmentally friendly manner. It uses new ideas and emerging technologies to look beyond traditional, infrastructure heavy approaches to transport, and to instead come up with innovative ways to improve mobility and make journeys better and accessible to all. This definitely demands for Intelligent automation which will act as a catalyst to transform the Indian economy from $3.2 trillion to $5 trillion in the next five year. The large scale adoption of automation technologies such as RPA, artificial intelligence (AI), natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML) will drive efficiencies and result in major economic growth in the next few years. Automation at present, is already driving efficiencies for enterprises, resulting in dramatic productivity gains in the back office and enhanced customer experiences in the front.

The future of mobility will envision three mobility trajectories: shared mobility, autonomy, and electrification (with integrated energy systems, public transport, and infrastructure)
As the world recovers from the COVID-19 crisis, significant shifts will happen in both the supply and demand sides of mobility. Frictionless, automated, personalized travel on demand is the features of the future of mobility. These requires a full technology stack of hardware and emerging software technologies which are completely different from the traditional automotive approach.

Streets are the largest continuous network of public space in cities, which is a huge untapped asset. Global major cities must rethink and rework upon their strategy on spatial assets in order to make for a sustainable earning and living. According to new studies, an individual e-bike could provide an average reduction of 225 kg of CO2/year. This support for liveable/sustainable streets has been gaining lots of attention during the pandemic, as cities all over the world reclaim public space for better connectivity and faster travel.

Whether car, e-scooter, public transport or bicycle or any mode of transport in the age of multimodality, users choose the mean of transport that is most suitable for their specific situation. Through the decentralized integration of various mobility providers, the Mobility Blockchain Platform is quite essential in realizing the vision of a future society, in which user experience, sustainability, data sovereignty and multimodal mobility are no longer mutually exclusive.

Blockchain technology has a lot of different characteristics that make it suitable for many different purposes. In the future mobility segment, this above-mentioned simple work flow will enable the technology to be used in EV Charging & Payments, Platooning/Community/Shared Mobility, Smart Insurance, Ownership, Digital Twin, Leasing&Vehicle Financing, Keyless Authentication, Infrastructure Sharing, Digital Mileage&Service Record

Last week, the government announced a Rs 20 lakh reward for developing AI solutions for healthcare, education, agriculture, smart mobility, transportation and natural language processing. The top 15 start-ups will be supported at the virtual global summit on AI. India needs to invest more in such solutions, to enhance and utilise the untapped market segment.

In this month, 9th of September was celebrated across as “World EV Day”. Electrification and Automation of vehicles in collaboration with blockchain technology has a lot of opportunity in the Indian market. The vague pricing policy and ongoing concerns over the lack of EV charging infrastructure are the principal factors for the delay of adoption of the smart grid or the smart infrastructure. But with gradual step of establishing a concrete policy and infrastructure, things would fall in place in a better manner. The recent example of Delhi govt has recently asked its agencies including municipal corporations, PWD, Transport department, DTC, DMRC, DDA, among others to work and identify concessional locations within their jurisdictions in the next two weeks for setting up EV charging stations. This was in adherence to the Electric Vehicle Policy 2020 which was notified last month by the Transport department of Delhi government.
Written and complied by Prateek Bebortha, Business Analyst @ETgarage

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