Your Mango with Blockchain Traceability
Establishing traceability for original mangoes will help consumers get value for their money and curb product falsification and mislabelling.
Establishing traceability for original mangoes will help consumers get value for their money and curb product falsification and mislabelling.
Greentatwa Agri-Tech, an Agri based start-up, aims to invest in education and technology for farmers across the country to ensure high-quality, sustainable, and profitable business structures.
The voluntary carbon offset market is expected to grow to $100 billion by 2030, up from $300 million in 2018 as firms commit to net-zero targets, but without the internal ability (or will) to reduce emissions directly within their supply chain race to purchase offsets.
The inspiration comes from paradigm-shifting by Investors to look at the non-financial indicators same as financial parameters. This is the Key inspiration for CEOs looking towards ESG, as it can attract capital when infused with business strategy. BRSR (Business Reporting and Sustainable Reporting) is mandatory for the top 1000 companies in market capitalization by 2022-23. BRSR aims to gauge Companies performance by measuring ESG parameters by asking companies 150 questions across nine fundamental principles.
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